National Education
National Education
NE Vision:
Cherishing our History, Charting our Future.
National Education is an integral component of the TK’s Character and Citizenship Education. NE@TK seeks to foster in students a sense of identity, pride and self-respect as Singaporeans. It is about knowing our past, and being mindful of the opportunities and challenges of the future, both within and outside of Singapore. By providing meaningful learning experiences, the school endeavours to inculcate a sense of rootedness and belonging to the school and Singapore.
Guiding Principles & Objectives:
The school is guided by the following
1.NE is not a stand-alone programme but a core component of the school’s Character & Citizenship Education Programme
2.NE is a whole-school effort involving every teacher, with the School Leaders taking the lead.
3.NE develops students in the following domains: cognitive, behavioural and affective.
4.NE is reinforced by the family and community. The school therefore actively seeks to leverage the support and expertise of parents and community in promoting NE.
The NE team seeks to achieve the following objectives:
1.To foster in students and staff an understanding of the Singapore Story, its challenges, constraints and vulnerabilities, and the significance of racial harmony and integration in the Singapore fabric.
2.To instil school values as a way of life and to inculcate the essence of the 6 NE messages to students.
3.To nurture students to be Confident Persons, Self-directed Learners, Active Contributors and Concerned Citizens, able to exhibit care and concern to self, others, the school, the community and the nation.
4.To develop the following skills in students:
• Civic Literacy, Global Awareness and Cross-Cultural Skills
• Critical and Inventive Thinking
• Information and Communication skills
TK NE Framework
The NE Framework adopts the Know-Do-Be model, which is aligned to the school’s Character Education 3H dimension i.e. the Head (Know), Heart (Be) and the Hands (Do) which aims to develop students holistically in the cognitive, affective and behavioural domains.
TK adopts a whole-school approach to support meaningful student-centric processes through the following avenues:
1. Infusion through Instructional Programmes
2. Integration into the Co-curricular Programme
3. Building synergistic partnerships with stakeholders, partners and the community

Current Affairs@TK
The Current Affairs Programme in TK is a platform to help students develop knowledge, skills and values in becoming 21st Century global citizens. The programme involves article reading as well as Public Speaking presentations which are conducted in alternate weeks. Students develop civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills through article readings The application of Paul’s Wheel of Reasoning during class discussions of the articles develops critical thinking in students. Students are also empowered to become self-directed learners when they take charge of preparing the reading articles for the lower secondary students and Public Speaking presentations of their issues during morning assemblies.