Character Education
Character Education
Character and Citizenship Education
Key programmes in CCE (i.e. VIA, ECG, Student Leadership, Outdoor Education, National Education) are guided by the Co-curricular Programme (CCP) Framework.

At the heart of the framework, TK’s Vision, Mission, Values anchor CCE key programmes. The Socio-Emotional and 21CC competencies, underpinned by school values: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity and Compassion.
We adopt the Head-Heart-Hand approach (Lickona, 1991) and aim to impart knowledge, inculcate values and motivate students to take the right actions.
Moral Knowing (Head): Awareness & Understanding |
Moral Feeling (Heart): Beliefs & Convictions |
Moral Action (Hand): Commitment & Demonstration |
- Teach values
- Promote reflection on thoughts, feelings and behaviour
- Encourage positive role models
In the design and delivery of the various components of the CCE curriculum, the following guiding principles in the CCP framework below are observed.
Whole school approach with engagement of stakeholders
Learner-centred: Age-appropriate and supporting progressive development
Empowerment to initiate and lead
Promoting student choice and voice
Breadth and variety
Centre of Excellence for Character & Citizenship Education (Year of inception- 2011)
Tanjong Katong Secondary School is proud to have been selected in 2011 to be one of the three schools in the East Zone to host the EZ Centre of Excellence for CCE. Leading the zone in Character and Citizenship Education, the school has organized and hosted a number of CCE seminars, Brown Bag Sessions and Coffee & Connect Sessions where schools shared their best practices in the implementation of the CCE curriculum over the years.
The COE model was reviewed for its relevance and strategic value in view of the evolving needs in teaching and learning. Hence, the COE model for East Zone will cease with effect from 1 January 2022.
Moving forward, our distinctive strengths in CCE will continue to be harnessed to strengthen teaching and learning capabilities and foster a collaborative and learning culture in the East Zone.
Together, the programmes in CCE develop our students to become the TK Graduate:
“The TK Graduate is self-directed in learning and passionate in all he undertakes. Confident, resilient and flexible, he is guided by sound values to lead and contribute to school, nation and the global community.”
TK Graduate Assessment
The purpose of the TK Graduate Assessment is to help students understand their strengths and areas for improvement and work towards the outcomes of a TK Graduate.
The guiding Principles of TK Graduate Assessment are as follows:
Students can benefit from the process of assessment.
Students can apply feedback and make improvements.
Multiple perspectives are obtained on a student over various platforms.
Behavioural outcomes are observable through identified assessment platforms.
The TK Graduate Assessment is on-going and conducted through a variety of platforms and by different assessors to obtain a holistic view of students. It gives students a picture of where they are at a particular point in time, and the rubrics suggest how they can develop themselves in the light of the next milestone.
Through feedback from teachers and peers, students better understand their strengths and areas they can further work upon. The multiple perspective approach, via teacher, peer and self-assessment, provides a more holistic set of feedback for each student. This information allows the student to take ownership of his own learning and plan how to further develop himself through reflection and future action. The form and co-form teachers then use the TK Graduate Assessment rubrics during TSR to discuss identified areas for improvement with their students.
Students are assessed developmentally for the following six Personal Qualities, which are aligned to the five TK Graduate Outcomes below.
Personal Qualities (PQs)
Self-directed in learning |
Positive Attitude |
Self-Confidence |
Self-Leadership |
Peer Supporter |