Principal’s Message
Principal’s Message
In Tanjong Katong Secondary School (TK), we believe in developing a culture of care, trust and openness with a strong school ethos. The clarity of our purpose, coupled with the strong focus on students, staff professional development and well-being, are all pivotal in the many strategic decisions made in student development, curriculum leadership, human resource and partnerships. Our TK Curriculum Framework guides the student-centric curriculum and co-curriculum to provide a diverse holistic learning and experiential opportunities within and beyond the classroom.
The school philosophy is that ‘Everyone Matters’. Coupled with our belief in the growth mindset, TK adopts a holistic education approach considering our students’ individual interests and talents, while providing for diverse opportunities to enrich their school experiences and allowing them ample opportunities to pursue their passions. In addition to our key signature programmes, namely, Da Vinci Programme, Science Enrichment Programme, Current Affairs Programme, Critical & Inventive SKILLS programme, Aesthetics and Sports CHOICES programme and Twinning Programme. TK is designated as the East Zone Centre of Excellence (COE) for both Design Education and Character & Citizenship Education, working with schools in the East Zone. Besides the COEs, our research programmes and inquiry-based projects are also testimony of our rigorous and progressive curriculum.
With our student-centric approach, our teachers reflect on their practice to actively strive to improve learning through pedagogical innovations – one example is via the incorporation of drama techniques into the learning of Higher Chinese Language to strengthen oral skills and creative writing as well as the joy of learning in our students. Another innovation is the ‘Teaching for Historical Understanding’ to engage the students through a disciplined inquiry into the past and active learning. This critical inquiry approach helps them to regulate their own thinking as future ready learners. Our Da Vinci Programme is yet another innovation to develop critical and inventive thinking in our students through real-world applications via project work and research.
Staff professional development and well-being continues to be an important focus in all that we do in TK. Over and above our comprehensive professional development structures and processes to develop our teachers to be reflective practitioners and competent curriculum developers, the school strives to grow a positive culture that supports staff involvement in school improvement. Time and space is set aside for reviewing, improving and designing key teaching and learning processes and curriculum, ranging from department-based innovations such as alternative assessments in Humanities and PE, signature programmes, and the Student Leadership Programme.
With our comprehensive Partnership Framework supported by effective systems and structures, the school is able to enhance school capacity – engaging and leveraging on the expertise and network of its key stakeholders such as the School Advisory Committee, Alumni, Parent Support Group, higher institutions and community partners. The involvement of stakeholders permeates and impacts the whole of school life. Co-creation of school programmes to provide meaningful and authentic learning experiences by school staff and stakeholders is a common feature in the school. On this note, I would like to express my appreciation to all our stakeholders for your unstinting support and collaboration to educate our youths. This is a clear example of the synergy of strengths!
The school remains steadfast in its efforts to develop every TKsian into the TK Graduate. It is also the relentless and purposeful pursuit of the school’s mission to nurture TKsians to their fullest potential, developing in them sound values, life-long learning and leadership skills, in an innovative and dynamic environment that yields sterling achievements in the academic, aesthetics and sporting fields.
The school’s extensive achievements in all aspects could not be possible without the exceptional commitment of the staff. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our staff for your willingness to go the extra mile for our students and your unwavering belief in our students’ potential to grow and excel.
Finally, I applaud our students for your conscientiousness, your respect for one another, your quest for excellence and your concern for all members of the TK family – it is a pleasure to walk this journey with you.
We will continue to leverage on our strengths to ensure a unique and holistic school experience for all our students in the coming years.
Diligentia, Ingenium, Dexteritas